Tuesday, October 4, 2011

5/3/1 Program Day 6 - Back/Abs - 10.3.11

Deadlift - 1 warm, 235x3, 265x3, 300x3
Wide Lat Pulldown - 115x10, x10, x10, x10
Bent Over Row - 135x12, x12, x12, x12
Single DB Row - 60x10, 70x10, 75x10, 80x10
Hanging Leg Raise - BWx15, x15, x15, x15

5/3/1 Program Day 5 - Delts/Bis 10.2.11

Standing Military Press - 1 warm, 85x3, 95x3, 110x3
DB Press - 55sx10, x10, x10, x10
Machine Side Lateral - 70x10, x10, 10, x10
DB Rear Delt - 25sx12, x12, 30sx12, x12
BB Curls - 60x10, x10, x10, x10
EZ Bar Preachers - 30x12, x10, 40x10, x10

Sunday, October 2, 2011

5/3/1 Program Day 4 - Legs/Abs 9.30.11

Squat - 1 warm, 165x5, 190x5, 220x5
Leg Press (minus sled) - 4 platesx15, x15, 6 platesx15, x15
Lying Leg Curls - 50x15, 60x15, 70x15, x15, x15
Leg Extension - 70x15, 100x12, x12, x12
Ab Wheel - BWx12, x10, x10, x8

Wasn't sure how my lower back still nagging me was going to interfere or not, but another good workout! It's amazing how you can make 165lb and 190lb feel soooo much heavier by exaggerating your descent and then explode up from the bottom. Liked doing the high volume leg press and curls to get the muscles really worked. My core strength apparently sucks (haha) cause the ab wheel, when done correctly, will hit every fiber in the core. I am still sore from that!

1st week of the new system is OVER, but now its time to up the weights. Very excited to continue to see some strength gains over the next several cycles!


Thursday, September 29, 2011

5/3/1 Program Day 3 - Chest/Tris 9.29.11

Bench Press - 1 warm, 120x5, 140x5, 155x5
DB Incline Press - 50sx10, 60sx10, 65sx10, 70sx10
Dips - BWx10, x10, BW +50x10, x10
DB Flye - 35sx12, x12, 40sx12, x12
Triceps Pushdown - 70x20, x20, x20, x17, 60x18

30 mins LISS on stationary bike

Another great day of 5/3/1 training! Focused on slow negative and explosive positive on bench press. As always, really focusing on form and contraction with the assistance exercises. On dips and DB flyes major focus was getting a deep stretch at the bottom to work the outer pec muscles. Tomorrow is leg day, looking forward to 5/3/1 with that!!


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

5/3/1 Program Day 2 - Back/Abs 9.28.11

Deadlift - 1 warm, 215x5, 250x5, 285x5
Wide Lat Pulldown - 115x12, x12, x10, x10
Bent Over Row - 135x12, x10, x10, x10
Single DB Row - 55x12, 65x12, 70x12, x12
Hanging Leg Raise - BWx15, x15, x15, x15

25 mins LISS cardio on stationary bike

Back seems to be a lot better than a few days ago. Did a warmup set with 135, made sure that my back felt ok and was sufficiently warm before the heavy sets. Was a little worried before the 215, but after the first rep I got my mind back into training mode and knocked out the rest of the sets! The other exercises I really focused on the mind/muscle connection and tried to eliminate secondary muscles as much as possible. Loving the 5/3/1 system so far!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

5/3/1 Program Day 1 - Delts/Biceps 9.27.11

Standing Military Press - 1 warm, 80x5, 90x5, 105x5
DB Press - 50sx12, 55sx10, 60sx8, 55sx10
Machine Side Lateral - 40x12, 65x12, 80x10, x10
DB Rear Delt - 25sx15, x15, x15, x15
BB Curls - 50x12, x12, 60x10, x10
EZ Bar Preachers - 40x6, 30x12, x12, x12

35 mins LISS stationary bike

First day of my new program/diet. Wanting to increase my strength in the core lifts and build some more size, but still stay lean for modeling, etc. Lower back was still bothering me slightly, but didn't really interfere with any of the lifts. It is definitely a different program than I am used to as far as set/rep ranges go, but I think that will help shock the body to grow!


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Delts/Biceps - 7.30.11

DB Press - 3 warm, 50sx8, 60x7, 65sx4 drop 45sx6
Cable Side Lateral - 2 warm, 15x10, 20x8
Seated Rear Delt - 40x12, 50x12, 60x10
Upright Row - 60x12, 70x12, 80x10
Hammer Curl - 2 warm, 35sx6, 40sx6, 45sx5
Close Grip BB Curl - 1 warm, 60x9, 70x5, 70x5 drop 50x6
Single Cable Curl - 25x12, 30x10

Friday, July 29, 2011

Back/Hammies - 7.29.11

Pullups - Failure(12, 10, 8, 6)
Smith Bent Over Row(minus bar) - 2 warm, 90x10, 140x8
Rope Pulldown - 1 warm, 50x8, 60x8, 70x8
Straight Arm Pulldown - 70x12, 90x11, 100x6 drop 70x7
Stiff Leg DL - 135x12, 155x12, 185x12
Leg Curl - 2 warm, 60x10, 70x10, 80x10

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Chest/Triceps - 7.28.11

Flat DB Press - 3 warm, 70sx8, 80sx8, 90sx7
Incline DB Press - 2 warm, 50sx10, 70sx9
Flat BB Press - 1 warm, 135x10, 155x8
Cable Incline Fly - 30sx12, 40sx10
Smith Close Grip Press (minus bar) - 2 warm, 70x10, 90x10, 110x7
Reverse Pressdown - 1 warm, 70x10, 90x6 drop 70x6
Single Arm Pressdown - 15x12, 25x11

Quads/Calves - 7.27.11

Leg Press (minus sled) - 3 warm, 360x10, 450x10, 540x10, 630x8
Squat - 2 warm, 185x8, 205x8, 225x8
Leg Extension - 160x10, 170x10, 180x9
Walking Lunges - 80x12, 90x12, 100x12
Seated Calf Raise (minus machine) - emptyx30, x30, 35x25, x25, x25

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Delts/Biceps - 7.25.11

DB Press - 3 warm, 55ssx8, 60sx7, 65sx5 drop 50sx6
Single Cable Lateral Raise - 2 warm, 20x10, 25x8
Seated Rear Delt - 35x12, 45x12, 60x12
Upright Row - 50x12, 60x12, 70x10
Hammer Curl - 2 warm, 35sx6, 40sx6, 45sx6
BB Close Grip Curl - 1 warm, 50x10, 60x10, 70x6 drop 40x8
Single Cable Curl - 20x12, 30x10

Monday, July 25, 2011

Back/Hammies - 7.24.11

Pullups - Failure(12, 10, 8, 7)
Bent Over Row - 2 warm, 135x8, 155x8, 185x6 drop 135x10
Rope Pulldown - 1 warm, 60x10, 75x8, 90x8
Straight Arm Pulldown - 75x12, 90x12, 100x9
Stiff Leg DL - 135x12, 155x12, 185x9 drop 135x10
Leg Curl - 2 warm, 60x10, 70x10, 80x10

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Chest/Triceps - 7.22.11

Flat DB Press - 3 warm, 70sx8, 80sx8, 90sx4 drop 70sx5
Incline DB Press - 2 warm, 55sx10, 60sx9
Flat BB Press - 1 warm, 135x10, 155x7
Incline DB Fly - 35sx12, 40sx12
Smith Close Grip Press (minus bar) - 2 warm, 50x10, 90x10, 110x7
Reverse Pressdown - 1 warm, 70x10, 90x10
Single Arm Pressdown - 25x12, 30x12

Friday, July 22, 2011

Quads/Calves - 7.21.11

Leg Press (minus sled) - 3 warm, 270x10, 360x10, 450x10, 540x9
Squat - 2 warm, 155x8, 185x8, 225x8
Leg Extension - 150x10, 170x10, 180x8
Walking Lunges - 70x12, 80x12, 100x12
Seated Calf Raise (minus machine) - emptyx30, x30, x27, 25x24, x22

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Delts/Biceps - 7.20.11

DB Press - 3 warm, 60sx8, 65sx7, 70sx5 drop 40sx7
Single Cable Lateral Raise - 2 warm, 20x10, 30x8
DB Bench Rear Delt - 25sx12, 30sx10, 35sx10
Upright Row - 50x12, 60x12, 70x12
Hammer Curl - 2 warm, 40sx6, 45sx6, 50sx6
BB Close Grip Curl - 1 warm, 60x10, 70x9, 80x5
Single Cable Curl - 20x12, 30x10

Monday, July 18, 2011

Back/Hammies - 7.17.11

Pullups - Failure(12, 10, 8, 8)
Bent Over Row - 2 warm, 135x8, 185x8, 205x7
Rope Pulldown - 1 warm, 60x8, 80x8, 90x8
Straight Arm Pulldown - 70x12, 90x12, 100x10
DB Stiff Leg DL - 75sx12, 85x12
Leg Curl - 2 warm, 70x10, 80x10

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Chest/Triceps - 7.16.11

Reverse Grip Flat DB Press - 3 warm, 40sx10, 45sx10, 50sx8
Incline DB Press (slow tempo) - 2 warm, 50sx10, x10
Flat DB Fly - 1 warm, 35sx12, 40sx12, 45sx8
Decline Pushups - Failure(20, 15, 13)
DB Extension (slow tempo)- 2 warm, 40x8, 45x8, 50x8
DB Kickback - 1 warm, 20sx10, 25sx10
Bench Dips - Failure(15, 15, 15, 15)

Had to alter the workout staying in a hotel, at least it had a DB set and bench.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Quads/Calves - 7.15.11

Leg Press (minus sled) - 3 warm, 270x10, 360x10, 450x10, 540x5
Squat - 2 warm, 155x8, 185x8, 225x6
Leg Extension - 140x10, 170x10, 190x8
Walking Lunges - 70x12, 80x12, 100x12
Seated Calf Raise (minus machine) - emptyx30, 25x30, 45x18, 25x23, x20

NEW ROTATION...and did it kick my butt. Sweating and out of breath the entire workout! Definitely a good leg day though. Never felt a pain in my calves like doing high rep sets, they were pumped for sure by the end!

Delts/Biceps - 7.13.11

Machine Side Lateral - 2 warm, 70x8, 80x8, 90x8
High Incline DB Press - 2 warm, 55sx10, 70sx6 drop 40sx7
Cable Upright Row - 1 warm, 60x10, 70x10, 80x9, 90x8
Incline DB Curl - 2 warm, 35sx5, x5
EZ Bar Cable Curl - 1 warm, 70x10, 80x10,90x8
DB Preacher Curl - 25x8, 30x8

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Back/Hammies - 7.12.11

Reverse Lat Pulldown - 3 warm, 120x8, 150x8, 160x6
T-bar Row - 2 warm, 90x10, 115x10, 135x8
DB Deadlifts - 2 warm, 100sx10, 125sx8 (PR)
V-Bar Pulldown - 85x12, 100x12, 115x8
Good Mornings - 70x12, 80x12, 90x12
Glute Ham Raise - 2 sets to failure

Had a sharp pain behind the knee starting the 3rd set (IT band??) so I knew it was time to pack it for the day. Stretched it out, not really bothering me today though so that's a good thing...On a positive note, deadlifted the heaviest DBs my gym carries (125) for 8 reps...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Chest/Triceps - 7.11.11

Incline BB Press - 3 warm, 135x8, 155x8, 155x6
Incline DB Press - 2 warm, 60sx8, 75sx7
Flat DB Fly - 1 warm, 35sx12, 40sx10, 45sx8
Uneven Pushups - 2 sets to failure
Dips - 4 sets to failure
Rope Pressdown - 1 warm, 60x12, 70x10 drop 50x10
Skullcrushers - 50x12, 60x10

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Quads/Calves - 7.10.11

Squat - 3 warm, 155x8, 185x8, 225x8, 245x6
Hack Squat (minus sled) - 2 warm, 90x10, 180x8
Sissy Squat - BWx18, x15, x15, x15
Walking Lunge - 80x12, 90x12, 100x10
Seated Donkey Calf Raise (minus sled) - 90x20, 140x20, 180x18, 230x13, x13

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Delts/Biceps - 7.8.11

Machine Side Lateral - 2 warm, 65x8, 75x8, 85x8
High Incline DB Press - 2 warm, 55sx10, 65sx6 drop 40sx7
Cable Upright Row - 1 warm, 60x10, 70x10, 80x9, 90x8
Incline DB Curl - 2 warm, 35sx5, x5
Rope Cable Curl - 1 warm, 60x10, 65x8, 70x7
DB Preacher Curl - 25x8, 30x8

Back/Hammies - 7.7.11

Reverse Lat Pulldown - 3 warm, 115x8, 145x8, 160x6
T-bar Row - 2 warm, 90x10, 115x8, 125x8
DB Deadlifts - 2 warm, 100sx10, 110sx7 (PR)
V-Bar Pulldown - 85x12, 100x12, 115x8
Good Mornings - 70x12, 80x12, 100x8
Glute Ham Raise - 3 sets to failure

Chest/Triceps - 7.6.11

Incline BB Press - 3 warm, 135x8, 155x8, 175x5 drop 135x5
Incline DB Press - 2 warm, 55sx8, 70sx7
Flat DB Fly - 1 warm, 35sx12, 40sx8, 45sx7
Uneven Pushups - 2 sets to failure
Dips - 4 sets to failure
Seated Rope Extension - 1 warm, 60x12, 80x10
Skullcrushers - 60x10, 70x8

Quads/Calves - 7.5.11

Squat - 3 warm, 155x8, 185x8, 225x8, 245x6
Hack Squat (minus sled) - 2 warm, 90x10, 180x8
Sissy Squat - BWx18, x15, x15, x15
Walking Lunge - 90x12, 100x12, 110x10
Seated Donkey Calf Raise (minus sled) - 90x20, 140x20, 180x16, 230x12, x12
Hanging Leg Raise - BWx20, x20, x18, x15

7.9.11 12 weeks out

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Delts/Biceps - 7.3.11

Machine Side Lateral - 2 warm, 60x8, 75x8, 85x6
High Incline DB Press - 2 warm, 60sx10, 70sx4 drop 55sx4
Cable Upright Row - 1 warm, 60x10, 70x10, 80x10, 90x8
Incline DB Curl - 2 warm, 30sx6, 35sx5
Cable Curl - 1 warm, 60x10, 75x10, 85x6
DB Preacher Curl - 25x8, x8

Back/Hammies - 7.2.11

Reverse Lat Pulldown - 3 warm, 115x8, 140x8, 150x6
T-bar Row - 2 warm, 90x10, 115x8, 135x6
DB Deadlifts - 2 warm, 80sx10, 100sx10 (PR)
V-Bar Pulldown - 100x12, 115x8, x7
Good Mornings - 70x12, 80x12, 90x11
Glute Ham Raise - 3 sets to failure
Machine Crunch - 4 sets of 20-25 reps

Friday, July 1, 2011

Chest/Triceps - 7.1.11

Incline BB Press - 3 warm, 135x8, 155x8, 155x5 drop 135x5
Incline DB Press - 2 warm, 55sx8, 70sx7
Flat DB Fly - 1 warm, 35sx12, 40sx8, 40sx8
Uneven Pushups - 2 sets to failure
Dips - 4 sets to failure
Seated Rope Extension - 1 warm, 55x12, 70x9
Skullcrushers - 70x9, x8

Quads/Calves/Abs - 6.30.11

Squat - 3 warm, 135x8, 185x8, 205x8, 225x8
Hack Squat (minus sled) - 2 warm, 90x10, 140x10
Sissy Squat - BWx20, x20, x18, x15
Walking Lunge - 80x12, 90x12, 100x12 (set suddenly stopped)
Seated Donkey Calf Raise (minus sled) - 50x20, 90x20, 140x18, 180x18, 230x15
Hanging Leg Raise - BWx20, x20, x18, x15

Delts/Biceps - 6.28.11

Machine Side Lateral - 2 warm, 60x8, 70x8, 80x8
Hammer Strength Press - 2 warm, 75sx10, 95sx6 drop(85sx5, 75sx5)
Cable Upright Row - 1 warm, 50x10, 55x10, 65x10, 75x10
Incline DB Curl - 2 warm, 25sx6, 35sx4
EZ Bar Cable Curl - 1 warm, 60x10, 70x9, 75x8
DB Preacher Curl - 25x12, 30x10

Back/Hammies - 6.27.11

Reverse Lat Pulldown - 3 warm, 115x8, 130x8, 140x8
T-bar Row - 2 warm, 70x8, 90x8, 115x8
DB Deadlifts - 2 warm, 70sx10, 85sx10
V-Bar Pulldown - 100x12, 115x8, x8
Good Mornings - 50x12, 60x12, 70x12
Glute Ham Raise - 3 sets to failure
Hanging Leg Raise - BWx20, x20, x18

Chest/Triceps - 6.26.11

Incline BB Press - 3 warm, 135x8, 155x8, 175x3 drop 135x8
Incline DB Press - 2 warm, 55x8, 60x8
Flat DB Fly - 1 warm, 35x11, 40x8, 40x7
Uneven Pushups - 2 sets to failure
Dips - 4 sets to failure
Seated Rope Extension - 1 warm, 55x12, 65x12
Skullcrushers - 60x12, 70x10

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Quads/Calves/Abs - 6.25.11

Squat - 3 warm, 185x8, 205x8, 225x6, 275x2 drop 185x4
Hack Squat (minus sled) - 2 warm, 90x10, 140x9
Sissy Squat - BWx18, x17, x15, x15
Walking Lunge - 90x12, 100x7 (set suddenly stopped)
Seated Donkey Calf Raise (minus sled) - 90x20, x18, x15, x15, x15
Machine Crunch - 70x15, x15, x15, x15

Friday, June 24, 2011

Shoulders/Biceps - 6.23.11

Smith Military Press - 3 warm, 95x8, 115x8, 135x7
Machine Side Lateral - 1 warm, 50x10, 60x10, 70x10
DB Front Raise - 30sx12, 35sx10
DB Rear Delt - 35sx12, 40sx10
EZ-Bar Curl - 2 warm, 60x8, 80x6 drop(60x4, 40x8)
Rope Curl - 1 warm, 55x8, 75x8, 80x7
DB Conc Curl - 25x12, 30x10

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back/Hammies - 6.22.11

Wide Lat Pulldown - 3 warm, 130x8, 145x8, 155x6
Deadlift - 2 warm, 225x8, 275x8, 315x4
DB Bench Row - 1 warm, 50sx12, 65sx10, 75sx8
Wide Grip Seated Row - 100x12, 115x12, 130x10
Lying Leg Curl - 2 warm, 80x10, 90x10, 100x10
Single Standing Leg Curl - 25x12, 35x12
Hanging Leg Raise - BWx20, x18, x18

25 mins cardio StepMill

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Chest/Triceps - 6.21.11

Incline DB Press - 3 warm, 75x8, 85x7, 90x5
Flat Bench Press - 2 warm, 135x10, 155x8
Chest Dips - BWx18, x15, x15, x15
Rack Pushups - 2 sets to failure
Rope Pressdown - 2 warm, 85x8, 95x8 drop (65x8, 50x8)
DB Extension - 1 warm, 60x10, 70x6 drop 50x6
Single Arm Reverse Pressdown - 30x12, 40x10

Quads/Calves/Abs - 6.20.11

Leg Extension - 2 warm, 155x10, 170x10
Front Squat - 2 warm, 135x8, 155x8, 185x6, 205x4
Sumo Squat - 1 warm, 135x10, 185x8, 205x6
Split Squat - 65x12, 95x12, 105x10
Standing Calf Raise - 20x20, x18, x15, x15, x15
Hanging Leg Raise - BWx20, x18, x18, x18

For a leg workout while my body is 2 days after running a crazy 3 mile obstacle course I think these are great numbers. Def feels good to be back on preworkout energy/focus booster. Diet is back on point after a little bit, need to be a lot leaner than I was last year..think I can do it with the new meal plan strategy I set up..

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Back/Hammies - 6.16.11

Wide Lat Pulldown - 3 warm, 130x8, 145x8, 155x6
Deadlift - 2 warm, 225x8, 275x8, 295x5
DB Bench Row - 1 warm, 45sx12, 55sx10, 65sx8
Wide Grip Seated Row - 100x12, 110x10, 120x10
Lying Leg Curl - 2 warm, 75x10, 85x10, 95x10
Single Seated Leg Curl - 45x12, 55x10

Delts/Biceps - 6.15.11

Smith Military Press - 3 warm, 95x8, 115x8, 135x5
Machine Side Lateral - 1 warm, 40x10, 50x10, 60x10
DB Front Raise - 30sx12, 35sx10
DB Rear Delt - 30sx12, 35sx12
EZ-Bar Curl - 2 warm, 60x8, 70x6 drop 50x6
Rope Curl - 1 warm, 55x8, 75x8, 80x7
DB Conc Curl - 25sx12, 30sx10

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Quads/calves/Abs - 6.14.11

Leg Extension - 2 warm, 140x10, 170x10
Front Squat - 2 warm, 115x8, 135x8, 155x8, 185x6
Sumo Squat - 1 warm, 135x10, 155x10, 185x8
Split Squat - 45x12, 65x12, 85x10
Standing Calf Raise - 20x15, x15, x15, x15, x15
Hanging Leg Raise - BWx20, x20, x18, x15

Monday, June 13, 2011

Chest/Tris/Calves - 6.12.11

Getting to train with lifetime natural IFBB Pro Tim Martin was definitely a great moment in life. Not many people can say they have trained with an IFBB Pro, let alone a natural one! Was a killer workout..
Flat Bench Press - 135x12, x12, 185x10, 205x5
HS Incline Press (rest pause) - 90sx8, x10, 115x9
Iso Bench Press - 25sx6, x6, x8
Pec Deck - 60x12, 90x12, 110x10
Rope Pressdown - 70x10, 90x10, 110x10
Icarian Overhead Press - 70x12, 90x12, 110x12, 120x10
Leg Press Calf Raise - 120x12, 140x12, 160x8

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Shoulders/Biceps - 6.9.11

Seated Military Press - 3 warms, 95x8, 115x8, 135x6
Seated DB Side Lateral - 1 warm, 20sx10, 25sx7, 25sx7
DB Front Raise - 25sx12, 30sx10
DB Rear Delt Raise - 25sx12, 30sx12
EZ-Bar Curl - 2 warm, 70x6, 80x4 drop 40x8
Rope Curl - 1 warm, 55x8, 60x8, 65x8
DB Conc Curl - 25sx10, 30sx10

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Back/Hammies - 6.8.11

Wide Lat Pulldown - 3 warm, 130x8, 145x8, 155x8
Deadlift - 2 warm, 225x8, 275x8, 295x5
DB Bench Row - 1 warm, 45sx10, 55sx10, 65sx6
V-Bar Pullup - 3 sets to failure
Straight Arm Pulldown (Rope) - FST-7 (60lbs for 10-12reps)
Lying Leg Curl - 2 warm, 70x10, 85x10, 95x10
Seated Leg Curl (Single) - 45x10, 55x10

Workouts really tire you out quick when you reduce the rest period, but I feel like I completely wore out upper, medium and lower lats. Was supposed to do some wide grip cable rows, but that didn't quite workout so I added a couple things in. Taking a v-bar on a pullup bar and focusing on the contraction of the inner back. FST-7 on pulldowns to really bring out the lat spread. Was short on time, so no video for this one.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Quads/Calves 6.6.11

Leg Extension - 2 warm, 140x10, 160x10
Front Squat - 2 warm, 135x10, 155x8, 185x6, 185x6
Sumo Squat - 1 warm, 135x10, 155x10, 185x10
Split Squat - 45x12, 65x12, 75x10
Standing Calf Raise (single leg) - 15x20, x17, x17, x15, x15

20 minutes LISS cardio on bike

Quads shaking after a workout is always a good sign. Keeping the cardio up by having an average of 1.5 min rest period between working sets.

Monday, May 23, 2011

5.23.11 - Chest/Arms

Incline BB Press - 2 warm, 135x8, 155x6, x6
Incline Cable Fly - 30x12, 40x10, 45x8 drop 30x8
HS Wide Grip Press - 2 warm, 70x10, 90x10, x10 drop 45x10
Pec Deck - FST-7 (60lbs for 10-12reps)
Rope Pressdowns - 2 warm, 85x8, 100x6 drop (70x8, 50x10)
Machine Curls (single) - 2 warm, 45x8, 50x8 drop 45x6
Reverse Pressdowns (single) - 25x12, 30x10, x10
Barbell Curls - 60x10, x10, x8

Another GREAT workout, haven't done Incline BB in forever. Really felt the muscles contracting all the way through the workout...

5.21.11 Legs

Leg Extensions - 2 waem, 110x15, 130x15, 140x13
Squat - 2 warm, 135x15, x13, x12
Leg Press - 1 warm, 270x12, x12, x12
Hack Squat - FST-7 (Sled only for 5-7 reps)
Lying Leg Curls - FST-7 (50lbs for 10-12 reps)
DB SLDL - 1 warm, 65x12, 75x12, x10
Seated Leg Curls - 2 warm, 70x15, x15, x13
Seated Calf Raise - emptyx25, x25, x25, x20
Standing Calf Raise - 35x20, 55x15, x15, x15

My legs were obliterated not even halfway into this workout! High rep sets def test your mental strength too. Broken toe must be healing, since there weren't issues doing calves which is good!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

5.19.11 Back/Delts

Wide Grip Pullups - BWx12, x10, x10, x8
Close Grip Row - 2 warm, 110x10, 140x10 drop (110x8, 95x10)
Hammer 1-Arm Row - 1 warm, 90x12, 115x12 drop (90x12, 45x12)
Hammer Shoulder Press - 2 warm, 70x8, 90x12 drop (70x10, 45x12)
Side Lateral ups - 25 to 40lbs (increments of 5lbs for 10-12)
Cable Pulldowns - FST-7 (70lbs for 10-12)
Hanging Leg Raise - BWx20, x20, x18, x18

Thursday, May 19, 2011

5.18.11 Rotation 2B - Chest/Arms

Flat DB Press - 3 warm, 70x6, 80x6, 90x6 drop 80x4
Incline DB Press - 1 warm, 55x10, 70x10, x8
Flat DB Fly - 35x12, x12, x12
Incline DB Curl - 2 warm, 25x6, 35x5 drop (25x5, 15x8)
Skullcrushers - 2 warm, 70x10, x10 drop 40x12
DB Conc Curl - 35x12, x10, x10
DB Kickback - 25x12, x12, x12
Fly Machine - FST 7 (70x10-12)

35 mins LISS cardio on bike

Was a much better workout than the previous day. Of course its tough coming off a 4 day recovery from burnout and now I'm not supplementing with anything. Was happy that bench hadn't dropped much at all.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rotation 3B - Back/Delts 2.22.2011

Wide Grip Pulldowns - 3 warm, 130x6, 145x6 drop 120x8

Deadlift - 2 warm, 225x5, 275x5, 295x5.....315x1!!!!!!

V-Bar Pulldown - 1 warm, 100x12, 120x12

Upright Rows - 2 warm, 70x10, x10, x10

Side Lateral Up/Down - (15x6/20x6/25x6/20x6/15x6)x3

Hanging Leg Raises - 3 sets 15-20 reps

20 mins posing practice

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rotation 1B - Legs 2.19.2011

Ok, new rotation of exercises. Today's leg workout was tiring and painful to say the least. Legs and the spinal erectors got brutally beaten down today..LOVE IT!! Doug's workout from earlier today inspired me to push it on leg presses, was going for at least 10 plates, got up to 14!! Haven't done SLDL in a long time, used a 4" wood block (never done that before) and got up to 225x8. Practiced some posing after the workout, def seeing some new details that weren't there last prep!!

Leg Press (not including sled) - 3 warm, 450x8, 540x8, 630x8

Stiff Leg Deadlifts (standing on wood block) - 2 warm, 135x8, 185x8, 225x8

Squat (a$$ to grass deep!) - 135x15, x15, 155x12

Lying Leg Curls (feet together) - 1 warm, 60x10, 65x10, x10

Leg Press Calf Raise (not including sled) - 2 warm, 90x20, x20, 140x15