Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rotation 3B - Back/Delts 2.22.2011

Wide Grip Pulldowns - 3 warm, 130x6, 145x6 drop 120x8

Deadlift - 2 warm, 225x5, 275x5, 295x5.....315x1!!!!!!

V-Bar Pulldown - 1 warm, 100x12, 120x12

Upright Rows - 2 warm, 70x10, x10, x10

Side Lateral Up/Down - (15x6/20x6/25x6/20x6/15x6)x3

Hanging Leg Raises - 3 sets 15-20 reps

20 mins posing practice

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rotation 1B - Legs 2.19.2011

Ok, new rotation of exercises. Today's leg workout was tiring and painful to say the least. Legs and the spinal erectors got brutally beaten down today..LOVE IT!! Doug's workout from earlier today inspired me to push it on leg presses, was going for at least 10 plates, got up to 14!! Haven't done SLDL in a long time, used a 4" wood block (never done that before) and got up to 225x8. Practiced some posing after the workout, def seeing some new details that weren't there last prep!!

Leg Press (not including sled) - 3 warm, 450x8, 540x8, 630x8

Stiff Leg Deadlifts (standing on wood block) - 2 warm, 135x8, 185x8, 225x8

Squat (a$$ to grass deep!) - 135x15, x15, 155x12

Lying Leg Curls (feet together) - 1 warm, 60x10, 65x10, x10

Leg Press Calf Raise (not including sled) - 2 warm, 90x20, x20, 140x15