Friday, August 13, 2010

day before...

taken before first meal

Saturday, August 7, 2010

PANIC WEEK!!! ahem..Peak Week I mean

Here we go!! final week...was able to get everything straight at work so i dont have to worry about that while im gone....sodium loading def makes you want to drink more water fast haha, feeling ok still. have had really good workouts the last few days....found a golds gym near the hotel for thurs, just ready to get through these next few days

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Peak Week Training

Ok this is what I decided to do for peak week training....let me know if changes needed

Mon(Legs) - leg extensions, leg press, hack squat, lying leg curl, seated leg curl, walking lunge
Tues(Back/Bis) - pulldowns, t bar row, straight bar pulldown, hammer, cable, close grip
Weds(Chest/Delts/Tris) - incline db, incline fly, db press, side lateral, pressdown (rope), extension
Thurs(Upper Body) - cable crossover, rope pulldown, db con curl, pressdown, side lateral


good workout...i think in part due to not using prior logs to see what i lifted and try to match it. i went more for feel of the muscle and making sure they got enough stimulation with the weight i used

Pullups - 4xfailure
Bent Over Row - 95x15, 95x15, 115x8, 135x8, 165x8
Rope Pulldown - 40x15, 55x15, 65x12
Stiff Leg DL - 95x15, 115x12, 135x8, 165x8, 185x9
Lying Leg Curl (feet together) - 30x15, 35x15, 40x12, 45x12
Unilateral Seated Leg Curl - 30x15, 40x12

Posing, LISS on bike 45 mins