Standing Military Press - 1 warm, 80x5, 90x5, 105x5
DB Press - 50sx12, 55sx10, 60sx8, 55sx10
Machine Side Lateral - 40x12, 65x12, 80x10, x10
DB Rear Delt - 25sx15, x15, x15, x15
BB Curls - 50x12, x12, 60x10, x10
EZ Bar Preachers - 40x6, 30x12, x12, x12
35 mins LISS stationary bike
First day of my new program/diet. Wanting to increase my strength in the core lifts and build some more size, but still stay lean for modeling, etc. Lower back was still bothering me slightly, but didn't really interfere with any of the lifts. It is definitely a different program than I am used to as far as set/rep ranges go, but I think that will help shock the body to grow!